Open studio hours

Regular practice hours at BPS
In January 2025 we are launching open studio hours - regular practice hours at the studio.
During these hours, the studio is open for all swing dance practicers with the Studio Key. So, get the Studio Key and come to practice!
Studio key
Studio Key gives you access to all our regular practice hours - open studio hours as we call them.
Studio Key is your private digital key to the studio. You can access the studio freely during open studio hours.
Feel free to come and practice on your own, bring a few friends along, or meet someone there. Anything goes. On your own or together. As long as everyone who’s coming also has their own Studio Key.
Studio Keys starting at 30€ per season.
Studio Key is included in the Dance Pass.
- Studio Key
30€ / season - Get your Studio Key here
The Studio Key gives you access to open studio hours:
- Practice at BPS
- Free coffee and tea
- A place made for Lindy Hop and Swing Dance
Schedule for Open studio hours
Confirmed practice hours, starting on January 10th.
Season Winter-Spring is Jan-May.
Mon - Thu 16:00 - 17:00 Fri 16:00 - 19:00 Sat - Sun 10:00 - 14:00
Please note, we will adjust these hours based on usage and feedback over time.
Looking forward to see the studio buzzing with great jazz and practice vibes!
How does the studio key and open studio hours work?
Buy a Studio Key
Buy your Studio Key here
You’ll receive your digital key as we’ve processed your order. If you want to join your first practice within a few days already, please give us a call.
Open studio hours starts in January.Check out the open studio hours schedule
Check out the schedule for open studio hours. It’s visible and updated on this website. You’re welcome to come and practice anytime within those hours.Come to the studio and open the door with your personal studio key
Feel free to play music (coordinate with other practicers), make coffee/tea, take breaks, etc. The front room and kitchen area is open for practice. (Back room is reserved for possible private reservations.)
What’s included?
Free access to the studio within the open studio hours. Plus coffee/tea while you are there :)How does the music work?
You can play your own music via headphones or studio speakers. If you use the studio speakers, please coodrinate the music with other practicers.
There’s a quick-start guide how to use the speakers at the studio.Who can I bring with me?
You can bring anyone you like - as long as they have their own Studio Key as well. So, in other words, no plus ones unfortunately.Can I share my key with someone?
This is a hard no. Everyone who joins the open studio hours has to have their own Studio Key. Don’t share your key with anyone, not even people who has a key of their own.What’s the capacity of the studio?
The studio can fit around 20-30 practicers comfortably at the same time on the floor. Kitchen and other areas have plenty of extra space for hanging out. We’ll monitor the usage and limit the amount of Studio Keys sold.Other questions?
Let us know! We are piloting this system first time in 2025 and happy to see the studio filling up with dancing and jazz even more.
Available now
Studio Keys to access open studio hours are now available!
Please read our terms and conditions before the purchase: