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Start swing dancing with these courses!

Congratulations, your journey to swing dancing starts here
Aloita lindy hop -matkasi täältä!

Starting is easy! No partner, no previous experience needed. Hop in and feel the groove of swing and jazz.


Beginners’ courses

Pick any course that speaks to you, and we see you at the studio!

No partner nor previous dance experience required.

You can read more information from course pages below. Everything will become clear latest during the first class. If you need help choosing, we are happy to guide you!

Well hello there!

So you have heard about swing dancing? Or appareantly thinking about starting a dance hobby? You are in a right place!

At the end of this article, we list suitable beginners’ courses for you.

We are your local swing dance school here in Helsinki. We offer engaging classes in three dance styles - all supporting and benefiting each other. Some of the classes are solo classes, some are partnered.

Partnered classes are in Lindy Hop, where we dance with a dance partner. You can however join without a partner! As we constantly rotate partners in the classes, you get to dance with many people.

Solo classes can be found from Solo Jazz & Charleston courses, and Tap Dancing. Even though we dance there in a group, we do the movements on our own. Kinda like most of us would imagine dancing at a club.

Starting is easy. No partner required. No previous experience needed.

Lindy Hop, Solo Jazz & Charleston, and Tap Dancing form a golden trio of swing dancing. Start with any of those three, and you will be on a good path.

Here are samples of Solo Jazz (first video), and Lindy Hop (second video).

Tanja & Kay doing some jazz dancing.
Tanja & Karri lindy hopping in Lammassaari.
Sign up for beginners' courses

Which courses should I pick?

You can start with any beginners’ course, really. But…

…if you want to learn how to partner dance, take Lindy Hop.

…if you prefer flying solo or want to enrichen your body language take Solo Jazz.

…if you like rhythms or love Gene Kelly, Tap Dancing would be your thing.

And of course, if you can’t decide, you can take two courses for example.

Check out all our beginners’ courses here…

You can also always call us or send us a message if you have any questions!

+358 84 154 1724

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