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Photo by Alireza Ranjbar
Aloita lindy hop -matkasi täältä!

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The ultimate footwork workshop

Tired of repeating the same old steps and triples over and over again?

Feeling stuck with your footwork and yearning for liberation?

Have you seen dancers pulling out some wild step patterns but couldn’t figure out how?

The ultimate footwork workshop is here to the rescue!

“Hey, I’m Karri, and I’ll be your teacher on this workshop.

If you have ever seen me dancing you probably noticed the lack of basic steps but the void filled with various step variations and rhythms accompanied by sweeps, hops, taps and slides. And I want to get your feet dance to their fullest as well!”

Liberate your footwork

The aim is, through exercises and experimenting, to set your feet free in order to enrich your expression as well as find variations that’d accompany any given movement the best way possible.

We’ll learn some commonly-seen footwork patterns as well as challenge our own creativity. We’ll practice some practical as well as some flashy stuff. It will be a combination of skills, aesthetics, ideas and bodily connection that we’ll discover during this workshop.

There will be lots of practice time to let the ideas sink in to the body. And, if you are hungry for a challenge, you’ll get that as much as you like too!

We’ll go through

  • Components of footwork variations
  • A set of commonly-seen footwork patterns
  • Taps, hops, skips, and steps
  • Slides, spins, sweeps, and scoops
  • Rhythm variations
  • Solo workouts as well as partner dancing
  • Fun and challenge

Who’s this workshop for?

This workshop is for anyone with a good foundation of lindy hop or any similar swing dancing (boogie, wcs, etc.).

What do I need for this workshop?

If you have, bring both, sneakers as well as leather shoes. Meaning two pairs of shoes, the one that’s more sticky and the other that’s more slidy.

You don’t need a partner since we can rotate partners, and we’ll do lots of solo exercises too. If you prefer, you can work exclusively with your own partner.

When and where?

The previous footwork workshop was March 1-2, 2024. Follow our website for upcoming workshops.

Comments and reviews

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