Tap for lindy hoppers | Helsinki
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Tap | Beginners | Helsinki
Tap for lindy hoppers
Opettajat: Essi Tikanoja
Duration: 1 months
Start date:
End date:
Day: Mondays
Aika: 19.30 - 20.30
Hinta: 48 € (4 classes)
Address: Jazz Factory, Sörnäisten rantatie 33, 00500 Helsinki
-10% opiskelijoille ja työttömille -25% kaikista samaan aikaan käydyistä muista BPS kursseista (ei muita alennuksia)Registration
Note: Max 15 participants.
Note: There is a yoga class before us in the venue. You may arrive 10 minutes earlier, but please mind the class and let them enjoy their ending mediation/relaxation.
In this course you will explore tap dancing as a part of swing dance family. We’ll go through basic steps, practise rhythms and timing, and also learn catchy combinations to practice while waiting for your bus in cold winter days. You might even learn bits and pieces of tap shim sham, which by the way was the original one before lindy version!
You have some experience in swing dancing.
You don’t need to buy tap shoes for the course, but if you happen to have them or can borrow somewhere, you’ll of course get a better experience of what tap dancing is. Hard sole shoes will anyway work just fine for this intro course.
Participants are accepted in order of registration. After registration through the link you will receive a confirmation within a couple of days.