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Slow swing (slow lindy) | Helsinki

Aloita lindy hop -matkasi täältä!

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Lindy Hop | Intermediate | Helsinki
Slow swing

Opettajat: Tanja Wingerter & Karri Rasinmäki
Duration: 2 months
Start date:
End date:
Day: Tuesdays
Aika: 18.00 - 19.00
Hinta: 96 € (8 classes)
Address: Etu-Töölön lukio, Arkadiankatu 26, 00100 Helsinki


-10% opiskelijoille ja työttömille -25% kaikista samaan aikaan käydyistä muista BPS kursseista (ei muita alennuksia)



Note: Exception on March 12th: class held 18.30-19.30 at Ressun peruskoulu, Lapinlahdenkatu 10, 00180 Helsinki


Floating, effortless and rubbery or groovy, heavy and grounded - Slow swing is diverse and playful!

During this course you will get ideas and tools to sloooow down your dancing and how to use the special assets of slow music and movement. We will mainly work within the Lindy hop framework but we will explore movements from other related dances like Blues and Balboa. We will elaborate our slow dancing with movements both in closed and open position.

We rotate partners during lesson.

Course outline

Preliminary, subject to change.

  1. Get acquainted with closed positions
  2. Walks & pivots
  3. Slow down, stretch out
  4. Styling & swivels
  5. Pretzel it up
  6. Drags and dips
  7. Ochos and other tricks
  8. Show your story


Slow dance competition from Snowball https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yIams5Iqfo

Slow Lindy by JP & Michelle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R1egJM7Wh8

Slow lindy by Todd & Ramona https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50chBstv-Aw


You have been dancing Lindy hop for at least 1 year. You should be able to dance already quite fluidly in a social context and you know your triples.


You can sign up alone or with a partner. Participants are accepted in order of registration. After registration through the link you will receive a confirmation within a couple of days.

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