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Lindy Hop Improvers+ | Helsinki

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Lindy Hop | Improvers+ | Helsinki
Lindy Hop Improvers+

Opettajat: Tanja Wingerter & Panu Pesonen
Duration: 2 months
Start date:
End date:
Day: Thursdays
Aika: 20.00 - 21.00
Hinta: 96 € (8 classes)
Address: Ressun Peruskoulu, Lapinlahdenkatu 10, 00180 Helsinki


-10% opiskelijoille ja työttömille -25% kaikista samaan aikaan käydyistä muista BPS kursseista (ei muita alennuksia)




During this course you will build your base of essential moves and concepts. We keep working on with very basic foundations, rhythms and patterns of Lindy hop to get more familiar and comfortable with the dance. You will also learn more about partner connection and musicality and get some first variation and styling options for spicing up your dancing.

We rotate partners during lesson.


You have been dancing Lindy hop for 2-4 months and maybe already collected some social dance experience. You are familiar with basic Lindy hop patterns rhythms like send outs, pass-bys, swing out and circle. If your previous course level was either Beginners or Improvers, this course is for you.

Previous course level: Improvers/Beginners


You can sign up alone or with a partner. Participants are accepted in order of registration. After registration through the link you will receive a confirmation within a couple of days.

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