Helsinki Lindy Hop Beginners
This page/course is archived.
Lindy Hop | | Helsinki
Opettajat: Tanja Wingerter & Karri Rasinmäki
Duration: 2 months
Start date:
End date:
Day: Thursdays
Aika: 19.15 - 20.15
Hinta: 96 € (8 classes)
Address: Aleksis Kiven Katu 34, Helsinki
-10% opiskelijoille ja työttömille -25% kaikista samaan aikaan käydyistä muista BPS kursseista (ei muita alennuksia)Registration
This course aims at teaching you the very basics of Lindy hop. You will learn how to move yourself and your partner to swinging jazz tunes. We will work on basic patterns, rhythms and fundamentals of partner connection. In the Beginners course all participants learns to lead and follow.
You can sign up alone or with a partner. Single registrations are accepted in order of registration.