Helsinki Bal 'n' Shag
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Bal'n'Shag | | Helsinki
Opettajat: Riikka Väänäkoski & Mikko Väänäkoski, Elisa Schäfer & Pasi Ojala
Duration: 2 months
Start date:
End date:
Day: Wednesdays
Aika: 17.30 - 18.30
Hinta: 96 € (8 classes)
Address: Jazz Factory, Sörnäisten rantatie 33, 00500 Helsinki
-10% opiskelijoille ja työttömille -25% kaikista samaan aikaan käydyistä muista BPS kursseista (ei muita alennuksia)Registration
In this course will learn to dance to upper tempo swing music by using Balboa or Shag. You will learn the fundamentals of the elegant Balboa and energetic Collegiate shag. The course is divided into 4 weeks of Balboa and 4 weeks of Shag.
This course is primarily meant for dancers with some previous swing dance knowledge.
You can sign up alone or with a partner. Single registrations are accepted in order of registration.